Jobb i Sunny Beach


Jobbe i Sunny Beach

Sunny Beach is located in Bulgaria and is the biggest beach resort in the country. With temperatures often reaching 30 degrees celsius and above the resort is complemented with the longest beach out of any of our resorts. Stretching across the coast of the Black Sea it is a breathtaking sight. Of course, Sunny Beach has a main strip number of bars and clubs which make it’s nightlife very lively and fun every single night of the week.

We have 2 arrival dates for Sunny Beach which are 1st May and 1st June.

Sunny Beach Uteliv

Sunny Beach is known for having a wild nightlife. Many very big clubs with big acts from all over the world. Also very cheap alcohol and free bars.

Inntekter i Sunny Beach

There are many benefits to working in Sunny Beach, you become part of a great team. The wage varies from €30 – €50 per shift but also comes with lots of free things!

Innkvartering i Sunny Beach

We have very modern comfortable accommodation. 300m from the beach and 100m from the main clubs.
Accommodation come with Air Con, Flat Screen TV, Lounge Areas, 24/7 Supermarket Below, and everything you need. Kostnaden på innkvarteringen er 6000kr for din første måned.